Welcome to our Wig and Hair Care Products Store! Here, you'll find a full range of care products to keep your wigs in top condition and showcase flawless styles.
Synthetic wigs for dell dinners-Fringe Top Of Head | Synthetic Wiglet by Hairdo
Tru2Life Collection
Application Method: Clip-in
Base: 2.5" x 5" |
Hair Length: Front 4.25" | Crown 16" | Sides 18" | Back 18"
Weight: 2.9 oz.
Join the bang club in this full on fringe. This top of head piece has bangs with length and volume to create the ultimate end result. Whether you want coverage or a bang, this piece changes your entire look with just a few clips. Straighten the Tru2Life heat-friendly synthetic hair or add some waves and curls. We'll leave the styling up to you!